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Monday, September 25, 2006

Palestijnse Autoriteit beledigt Paus

by Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook

A cartoon in the current issue of the official Hamas weekly "Al Risala" features Pope Benedict holding a Swastika while wearing a scarf of US and Danish flags. Meanwhile, on Fatah-controlled PA TV, a Hamas religious leader called the Pope "criminal and arrogant," "ignorant and stupid," and then warned the Pope to await his punishment. Allah doesn't necessarily punish the wicked immediately, but waits "until a day when eyes will stare (in terror)."


From the Friday sermon by Hamas religious leader, Dr. Osama Al-Mazini:

"The second message is for the criminal Benedict the 16th, the Vatican Pope. For this ignorant and stupid Pope, who has no one to attack besides Islam and the Prophet [Muhammad], may the Creator have mercy on him and protect him. He [the Pope] characterized Islam as a cruel religion, and characterized Muhammad, may the Creator have mercy on him and protect him, as a cruel man, spilling blood, who strove to kill. This hostile Pope refuses to apologize to Muslims; and, instead of apologizing he blames the Muslims for not understanding, thereby adding crime upon crime. This arrogant Pope sees the Muslims as too inferior that he should apologize to them. To this arrogant Pope - criminal and arrogant - this message is from Allah the Elevated and the Exalted, as it was said: 'Think not that Allah is unaware of what the wicked do. He but gives them a respite until a day when eyes will stare (in terror).' [Sura14:42]"
[Palestinian Authority TV, September 22, 2006]

Source: Palestinian Media Watch

1 comment:

david said...

Dit is echt zo'n plaatje dat leerlingen over tien jaar moeten gaan ontleden bij een geschiedenis proefwerk, om de 'visie' van Hamas te ontleden. De paus draagt volgens mij op het plaatje ook een keppeltje, wat de demonisering compleet maakt: joden = de paus = nazi = amerika = denemarken. Wel knap, omdat allemaal in 1 propagandaplaatje te proppen.